Ghassa, N. v. Ghassa, M.

J-S38017-21 NON-PRECEDENTIAL DECISION - SEE SUPERIOR COURT I.O.P. 65.37 NICOLE GHASSA : IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF : PENNSYLVANIA Appellant : : : v. : : : MERCY IBRAHIM GHASSA : No. 1010 WDA 2021 Appeal from the Order Entered August 12, 2021 In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County Family Court at No(s): FD-20-007753 BEFORE: BENDER, P.J.E., DUBOW, J., and COLINS, J.* MEMORANDUM BY DUBOW, J.: FILED: February 23, 2022 Appellant, Nicole Ghassa (“Mother”), appeals from the August 12, 2021 Order1 that denied her Petition for Relocation and awarded shared legal and conditional physical custody2 of then-five-year-old Z.G. and then-three-year- old twins I.G. and D.G. (collectively, “the Children”) to her and Appellee, Mercy Ibrahim Ghassa (“Father”). Upon review, we affirm. Mother and Father were married in 2014 and are parents to the Children, who have resided in the marital home in Pittsburgh since birth. Mother has worked as a respiratory therapist in a hospital setting for the past ten years, ____________________________________________ * Retired Senior Judge assigned to the Superior Court. 1The Order is dated August 6, 2021, but appears on the docket August 12, 2021. 2As discussed infra, the trial court awarded physical custody of the Children conditioned on whether Mother chose to live in Father’s school district. J-S38017-21 which includes both day and night shifts. Father immigrated from Syria with his siblings and speaks Arabic as his primary language. Father worked at a restaurant until the Children were born, and then began driving for the ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft so that he could have a flexible schedule and stay home with the Children when Mother was working. In April 2020, Mother read Father’s text messages from a co-worker and became upset. The parties had a physical altercation. On May 7, 2020, Mother removed the Children from the martial home at approximately 8:45 PM, while Father was at the grocery store, and took the Children to her parents’ home in Erie. Mother did not inform Father that she was leaving. Rather, Father viewed the parties’ security camera when he returned home to learn that Mother had left with the Children. On May 19, 2020, Mother filed a Complaint for Divorce, which included a count for Custody. On May 29, 2020, upon agreement of the parties, the court issued an interim custody order granting the parties shared legal custody and shared physical custody of the Children to occur on a week-on, week-off basis. On June 4, 2020, Mother filed a Notice of Relocation from Pittsburgh to Erie to pursue an employment opportunity, which Father opposed. On July 27, 2020, Mother filed a Petition for Relocation. After a judicial conciliation conference where the parties were unable to reach an agreement regarding the relocation petition, the trial court scheduled the matter for trial. The trial court held a trial on the relocation petition on April 23, 2021, June 17, 2021, and July 29, 2021, respectively. The court heard testimony, -2- J-S38017-21 from Mother, Mother’s mother (“Maternal Grandmother”), Father, Father’s …

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Source: All recent Immigration Decisions In All the U.S. Courts of Appeals